Join me on my adventures!
London means the world to me, literally. It's not because I was born here in this magnificent city. Instead, I'm beginning to understand how it pulls you into its fold. Ever since I started Tabby London, I've been mesmerised.
#MyLondon is different to the London I grew up in. Then it was just a home and a bustling metropolis, it was a functional city, and the main aim was to get from A to B in the fastest way possible. However, now, it feels like a magical city with SO much to offer residents and visitors.
I'm not talking about tourist attractions and the trendy hotspots, I'm talking about the vibe, the incredible and unmatched history, the melting pot of different dreams and aspirations, and there's so much to do.
I'm not saying London is perfect, and it's not. Like many, I wouldn't say I like the crowds, the noise, the traffic, the roadworks, and the constant bustle. However, there's something for everyone in London.
A decade ago, I would never have imagined ever getting excited about London history. I never paid much attention in history class as it wasn’t my favourite subject, plus I never felt very inspired by yesteryear either.
The London I've been discovering is usually off the well-beaten track. However, I love the nooks and crannies and walking along the streets steeped in centuries worth of history. I'm particularly fond of Zone 1 because that's where it all began centuries ago.
My favorite place to visit so far has to be the old Londinium
Londinium as it was called by the Romans, created buildings and structures still visible in some parts of the City of London. It’s remarkable that such architecture, has stood the test of time, including the infamous London Wall. The Museum of London gives you an insight into what Londinium might have looked like with a treasure trove of artefacts.
I started taking pictures of London because I wanted to show a different side to the City that I saw. Now, I’m taking some of my favourite shots and giving them the NFT treatment. Photographs meet Digital Art. Enjoy.
More details can be found at Opensea https://opensea.io/collection/phone-box-icon
Check out this great video Horse Guards Parade
I’ve been funding Tabby London myself. Your support and donation will make a big difference in helping me bring the REAL London to you.
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